Monday, April 26, 2010

Student Junk Problem

The Student Junk Problem: “What you gon’ do with all that junk?”

As I was driving down Western Road today listening to 106.9 the X, The Black Eyed Peas came on as I passed a student rental with a mountain of furniture stacked up like a pyramid. “What you gon’ do with all that junk?” “All that junk inside your trunk?”
I don’t know Fergie, what are we going to do with all that junk? Every year in these weeks leading up to April 30th, London gets ugly. I mean, it really gets ugly. Students just throw anything they can on the side of the road, in hopes that the city will take it. Well, not this year; there is a limit in London Ontario. And if students don’t obey the limits, the landlords will get a hefty charge by the city. And that charge will go straight to you the students, or they will take it out of your security deposit anyway.
So, in short, watch what you throw out. If you don’t feel like ruining London’s landfill and the environment at the same time, call us at University Junk Removal. 1-888-519-JUNK.
We will remove anything you desire: couches, garbage bags, desks, chairs, dishes, etc. We will recycle it properly too. 85% of what we pick up is recycled. This will be a win-win in the long term, because every year, more and more students chuck out anything they can find. This in turn increases the amount of workers/garbage men on the road, which leads to higher property taxes, and eventually you, the students eat the increase from higher rents.
Do the right thing, and call us. Or have your landlord call us to remove things in an orderly fashion, so the next tenants moving in don’t have to live with your rubbish for a week. You would want the same if you were moving in right?
1-888-519-JUNK (5865)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Earth Day: A Question of Junk"

"Earth Day: A Question of Junk"

On Thursday April 22, 2010, How would you like a free junk removal by us? We will be taking the first 10 junk jobs that call our toll free number at 1-888-519-JUNK.

On April 22, 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson had a dream for a nationwide teach in day about the environment. In a 1 hour special anchored by Walter Cronkite on CBC, Nelson’s dream came true. The title of the special was "Earth Day: A Question of Survival."

Fast forward 40 years later on the 40th anniversary, and here we are April 22 2010, with the same issues that are increasingly testing mankind’s ability to ignore them at such a rapid rate.

Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis at unprecedented rates of occurrence have the average person puzzled. Is it natural? Or is it mankind that is causing this?

Well if it’s the latter, University Junk Removal is certainly doing our part to ensure London Ontario’s Junk and Rubbish are recycled properly and efficiently so to not add waste to an already full landfill. They way we recycle our junk and rubbish would make Senator Nelson a proud man.

In 1990, Toronto had a problem; the Keele Valley landfill was full. In fact it was so full, in 2002, after being rejected by every municipality in Ontario, they had to resort to trucking their garbage to Michigan. And it wasn’t till 2006 the Toronto City Council purchased the Green Lane landfill near London. Four years later, I think you know where we’re going with this, as the Michigan contract is expiring, and Green Lane is about to go into production.

At University Junk Removal, we are "Keeping Junk Green™" by providing a safe and cost effective way to remove your garbage, junk, rubbish-whatever you like to call it. With mounting concerns over at the landfills, we make our customers fully aware of what happens to the junk we pick up. For example, if we were to pick up a couch or sofa, it would be stripped of its material which would be 85 % recycled; the remaining wood would be chipped down, and turned into landscaping mulches. Any used concrete or asphalt would be grinded down and used as aggregates for roads and building materials. 85% of all our Junk is recycled.

In addition to having an integral part in revamping the way people see junk in London, we are reinventing the way the normal conventional contractor drives to work. How so? Our service vehicle runs only on natural gas, the same gas that heats your home. It is the cleanest burning fuel in vehicles, with far less emission and toxins than diesel and gasoline.

You see, it’s 2010 now, the internet is the main stream of media, and there is no way to ignore the issues at hand; whether we are creating weather change or its natural, it doesn’t matter. Until our thinking changes our actions will not change.

So here’s our challenge to London Ontario-On April 22, 2010 Earth Day, call our toll free local phone number at 1-888-519-JUNK, and if you are within our first 10 callers, you will receive a free, ONE full load of junk removal by us at University Junk Removal as a tribute to Earth Day. One load at a time, we pledge to have the utmost integrity for recycling, and landfill reduction. The time is now, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Help us in "Keeping Junk Green™," and visit our website for more details. It’s not rocket science, but Nelson’s Earth Day question of Survival might be a “Question of Junk.”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Our Natural Gas Truck

Natural Gas Factoids: “Keeping Junk Green™”

At University Junk Removal, we are “Keeping Junk Green™.” As you know our service vehicle (Ford F150) runs solely on CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). We find it interesting that Canada and the USA, which have massive natural gas reserves and wells, are well behind in the race to make cars and trucks as environmentally friendly as possible.

CNG produces significantly lesser emissions of pollutants like (CO2), (UHC), (CO), (NOx), (SOx) and (PM), as compared to gasoline burning engines. For example, an engine running on petrol for 100kms emits 22,000 grams of CO2, while covering the same distance on CNG emits only 16,275 grams of CO2. The corresponding figures are 78 and 25.8 grams respectively, for nitrogen oxides. Carbon monoxide emissions are reduced even further.

In 1997 Ford had started a CNG vehicle fleet project. These vehicles were to be produced from the factory and were dedicated CNG vehicles; meaning, that’s all they ran on. As time went on and the tech bubble burst, the environmental issues in regards to vehicle pollution were put to the side as usual, next to the state of the economy. The projects were fully abandoned in 2002. We’d say that was great timing, in fact, perfect timing. In 2002, after the tech bubble shock and the capitulation of Nortel down to .75, the price of oil was straggling around $20/bbl and thus there was no more push or need for efficient clean vehicles.

Does this sound familiar? Fast forward to 2008, and the worst recession since the Great Depression, brought about a similar underpinning-sacrifice the environment for the state of the shattered economy. How many times are we willing to do this before Mother Nature is fed up?

In regards to Canada being such an environmentally friendly country you’d think they would be pushing for such a clean burning fuel to be used in vehicles. That’s not the case. Here is a list of countries and the amount of cars that run on CNG as of 2008:

Pakistan 2 million CNG Vehicles

Argentina 1.7 million CNG Vehicles

Brazil 1.6 million CNG Vehicles

Iran 1 million (and yes, Iran has the 4th largest OIL reserves they have no interest in selling CNG)

India 650,000 CNG Vehicles

Italy 580,000 CNG Vehicles

China 400,000 CNG Vehicles

Columbia 280,000 CNG Vehicles

It is estimated that South America leads the global market with 39% of the market share of CNG vehicles in usage. Wait a minute....back up the train...SOUTH AMERICA? They have lots of oil too...

At University Junk Removal, we have come to the conclusion that we are not going to win this battle, but we are going to make Canadians aware that we are skeptical that our government is not giving companies incentives for CNG products. Well, that’s obvious why; our government takes a healthy 41% (and increasing with the HST soon) tax when we fill up of gasoline at the pump. So at University Junk Removal we try to educate our customers about the clean burning fuel, and how it helps them save on their junk removal costs since we don’t have to pay ridiculous prices and taxes at the pump. We give you, the customer the savings.

It’s sad that Canada is the 3rd largest natural gas producer in the world; imagine how clean the air would be if all of Canada’s vehicles ran on CNG? Forget that, what if just all of London Ontario’s vehicles ran on CNG? This is how we are reinventing Junk Removal. This is how we are “Keeping Junk Green™.” 1-888-519-JUNK (5865)
