Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Junk Removal from London Ontario Story to tell...

So, we show up to this house today, and we realize that the place had been renovated extensively and the house was for sale.  I asked the homeowner why the renovated and she said there was a terrible 'thing' that occurred here.

I said okay, what do you mean?  She said that the house caught on fire...I said okay this stuff happens.  She said no no, it was set on fire on purpose.  I said, okay that happens too.  Then she dropped the bombshell.

In August of last year, apparently a man was murdered, and then set on fire there.

So there you have it.  At University Junk Removal, we see everything!

Call us anytime to book a junk removal appointment in London Ontario.  1-888-519-JUNK

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